Friday, August 29, 2008

Sweater Chosen

Thank you all for your great suggestions as to what my Rhinebeck Sweater should be.  What is fantastic is the ones that were mentioned are ones that I had been mulling about the past few days.  The lucky winner will be Wicked!  I have been enjoying watching Shameka's Wicked grow closer to completion and thought maybe if I made it, it would be half as flattering on me as it will be on her.

February Lady came in a close second.  She will be on my needles at some point closer, or after, Rhinebeck.  I'll probably wait and see what yarn I may be able to purchase for it at the Festival.  So Yvonne and Kim, I'm not messing around with your bet on the Lady.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Labor Day weekend!


  1. Dangit!! heehee. I'm looking forward to seeing Wicked in person!! :)

  2. Wicked is my favorite knit sweater so far (having finished 2 of them long and short sleeves). FLS is still on the needles waiting some correction.

  3. I like both of them, so everyone's a winner. And you'll be the real winner wearing it!

  4. Oh Gosh!! I better finish my sleeves and pocket before speed-knitter-Deborah finishes her sweater in a blink!!! LOL!! I can't wait to see it!!

  5. I've had my eye on Wicked recently & I'll be excited to see it done up. Woo Hoo! Rhinebeck!

  6. Good choice! Now I have a chance to win my bet. Wicked is afab sweater anyhoo.
