Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Decisions Decisions

Ok folks Rhinebeck is around the corner. It will be here before we know it. This will be my first Fiber Festival Event ever and I am super excited. Here is my dilemma. What should I knit for my Rhinebeck Sweater?!?!? I can't decide what to knit. I'd like to maybe do something top down but have yet to find something I like. Help! Any suggestions of what I should knit? I am open to anything that can be reasonbly knit in the next month and a half.

Also in my earth shattering knitting news, I picked up my Tilted Duster tonight. I finished the collar. I am done with the knitting. I just need to seam the sleeves, attach them and block the skirt out. I am determined to get this one off my list so I can comfortably cast on for my Rhinebeck sweater.

Ok my knitting friends...suggestions please?


  1. I think you should knit Rusted Root or Wicked. Only because the weather is so fickle that you could layer them both with a long sleeve shirt or if its warm just wear a tank underneath. Know what I'm saying?

  2. Hi Deborah (waving frantically)

    How funny is this I am frantically trying to finish my Tilted Duster so that I can cast on a new sweater. I like what Harlem purls says, go for the wicked I like that pattern. I have been to Rhinebeck and it usually ends up being to warm to wear any long sleeve sweaters.

  3. Hey Deb. You know that I am a big fan of Wicked. I think it is super easy, and will go by veru fast. There is no seaming. Who wants to do that?? And just think... you can buy more fibery goodness for the next sweater when you get there.

  4. February Lady - because I want to try it sometime and if you go first, I'll feel better!

  5. I was going to suggest February Lady, because Kim and I have a bet on how many we'll see at Rhinebeck! The more we see, the better off I am. heh heh. Wicked is a good choice, too. And definitely nothing too heavy...I fell into that trap last year!

  6. Do not knit February Lady! I don't want to lose my bet with Yvonne. You are going to have such a fab time at your first fiber festival. Woo hoo! Wicked would be a good choice, or Mr. Greenjeans (it would take you a minute to knit)
