Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gone To The Beach

Where: Myrtle Beach, SC

When: Friday Morning at 11am

Why: Cause I need a vacation and fun time with my Sis!
Plus I need my fill of some Mellow Yellow!

Will try to blog all the fun as it happens, but no guarantees.


  1. Deb, I told you that I could fit in your suitcase. Why did you forget to bring me??? I'm sad.

    Have fun sweets!!!

  2. I can think of no better place to vacation!!! The SC Knitters on ravelry have posted some WWKI
    Huntington Beach State Park
    16148 Ocean HWY, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
    Saturday, June 14th.
    12:00 noon - til you can’t knit no more

    Is there a more appropriate place for the South Strand Knitters to host a WWKIP other than the beach?!? So, bring whatever beach paraphernalia you normally use (chair, umbrella, sunscreen), water to drink, and of course… your WIP (Work in Progress). Join us for a fun day of knitting, chatting, knitting, fun, knitting, sharing, and a really good time!

    As Huntington Beach is a State Park, they do charge an admission fee to enter the park.
    Daily Park Fees:
    Ages 16 and older: $5
    Ages 6-15: $3
    Ages 5 and younger free
    S.C. residents ages 65 and older and S.C. disabled residents $3.25
    There is no admission charge for seasonal pass holders.

    Also, Joyfilled Gardens and Gifts/Prena Knits is doing a “Sit and Knit and Rock by the Clock”. So bring your chair, knitting, celebrate Flag Day and all yarns and books will be on sale. Hours are 10 - 5

  3. I'm with Shameka - take me too! Have a great vacation - get some sun and fun and take pictures.

  4. Love the Mello Yello. Have fun and hi to MB!
